Sens, texualite et narration. Le roman maghrebin d'expression francaise au carrefour de l'identite et de l'engagement (French text, Abdelhak Serhane, Morocco, Tahar Ben Jelloun, Leila Marouane, Algeria, Fawzi Mellah, Tunisia) - Thèses - Limag
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GADIR, Bouchaïb
Sens, texualite et narration. Le roman maghrebin d'expression francaise au carrefour de l'identite et de l'engagement (French text, Abdelhak Serhane, Morocco, Tahar Ben Jelloun, Leila Marouane, Algeria, Fawzi Mellah, Tunisia)
Lieu : Lafayette,
Directeur de thèse : University of Louisiana at Lafayette,
Année : 2005
ISBN : 0-542-39529-0
Pages : 194 p.
Type : Thèse - Ph. D
Notations :

The selected novels <underline>Le Deuil des chiens</underline> D'Abdelhak Serhane, <underline>L'Enfant de sable</underline> de Tahar Ben Jelloun, <underline>Le Ch&acirc;timent des hypocrites</underline> de Leila Marouane and <underline>Le conclave des pleureuses</underline> de Fawzi Mellah translate the revolt of the writer and the revendication of identity through feminine voices, and these novels reflect violence that exists in political and social reality. The characters are nonvirtuous figures of deficiency; the truth that these texts convey is a means of telling the maghrebin soul which suffers on all levels. These writers speak in a violent way about the violence that women, men and children undergo, and these novelists question the social dynamics that cause the violence. These novels also speak in the language of the other, 'French.' This language is that of the former colonizer; the maghrebin novelists adapt the French language which in turn becomes a conquered territory for them. <underline>Le Deuil des chiens</underline> presents us with a fallen world in ruins. From the beginning of the narration, the purified flesh of the corpse is assaulted by the accusatory discourse of the girls. Thanks to the heat, the corpse undergoes a long descent into hell through decomposition and putrefaction. The body, which is supposed to travel to the next world with cleanliness and tranquility of soul, now finds itself stained by the heat which disaggregates it. The accusing words, as well as the flies, the sirocco, and time itself, manage to transform it into an object of damnation. This slow metamorphosis of the body is accompanied by the story. <underline> Le Deuil des chiens</underline> tells of the daily struggle of maghrebin and arabo-muslim women to forge for themselves indentities as human beings. <underline>L'Enfant de Sable</underline> reveals a father searching for who he is. He has a desire to produce an offspring who will resemble him sexually. To obtain this end, he is even willing to sacrifice God's will, which shows to what degree the opinion of others are more important to him than that of God. The main character of <underline>Le Ch&acirc;timent des hypocrites</underline> carries within her a contradictory duality, symptomatic of a fragmented and split identity. She is caught between two spaces and two times past and present, the Algeria of yesterday and the France of today, and in between two separate identities: Miss Kosra 'the mutilated' and Fatima 'the pure.' The name of the protagonist of this novel carries in it the fruits of an identity crisis that will compromise her balance and shake her self-image. In the end, she will be incapable of forming a bridge between her past and her present. In <underline>Le Conclave des pleureuses</underline>, we are shown how the sacred word can be submitted to a burlesque imitation. In this work, Fawzi Mellah desecrates the political arena of modern day Tunisia. By shedding light on beliefs and religious practices, she is able to place her novel in a committed literature that answers to the needs of the political and social situation of today