Of Suffocated Hearts and Tortured Souls : Seeking Subjecthood through Madness in Francophone Women's Writing of Africa and the Caribbean


Introduction: Hysterically Speaking: Voices of Abjection, Marginalization, and Insanity in the Feminine Francophone Novel

Preamble: Writing New H(er)stories for Francophone Women of Africa

State I: Mediating Identity in Foreign Spaces

The Politics of Race and Patriarchy in Suzanne Lascade's Claire-Solange, âme africaine

Home Is Where I Eat My Bread: Multiculturality and Becoming-Multiple in Leila Hoauri's Zeida de nulle part

State II: Writing in Madness

Self-Loathing, Self-Sacrifice: Michele Lacrosil's Cajou and Myriam Warner-Vieyra's Juletane

Out/inside the Confinement of Cultures: Marie Chauvet's Amour, colere et folie and Mariama Ba's Un chant eclatant

Rooms and Prisons, Sex and Sin: Places of Sequestration in Nina Bouraoui's La Voyeuse interdite and Calixthe Beyala's Tu t'appelleras Tanga

State III: Reconciliation: Feminine Utopias

War, Revolution, and Family Matters: Yamina Mechakra's La Grotte éclatée and Hajer Djilani's Et pourtant le ciel etait bleu

Feminine Voices and H(er)stories: Simone Schwarz-Bart's Pluie et vent sur Telumée Miracle and Aminata Sow Fall's Douceurs du bercail

Epilogue: Transgressing Boundaries, Reconstructing Stories