Call for Papers

Building on the success of their first conference, the
Centre for Mediterranean Studies
and the
Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies of the University of Exeter (Britain)
in collaboration with
Foundation Temimi (Tunisia)
announce their

2nd joint multi-disciplinary conference:

The Movement of People and Ideas between Britain and the Maghreb

14-17 September 2002

At the University of Exeter

Themes for consideration at the conference include:
- People: slaves, captives, soldiers, prisoners of war, workers, asylum seekers, refugees, travellers, traders, pirates, smugglers, tourists, writers, artists
- Movement of ideas
- Contexts: free trade, travel, transfer, displacement, piracy, war, colonization, alliances, treaties
- Networks, languages, communities, exiles, cities, colonies.
- Representations of movement in literature, film and the arts.

The theme of the present conference occurs within the framework outlined by the first conference and within the wider research agendas of the Centre for Mediterranean Studies, the Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies and their partner in the Maghreb, Fondation Temimi. To this end, in addition to papers which address the Maghreb and Britain, we welcome contributions which explore the same theme from a comparative perspective in relation to the Mediterranean region as a whole.

We welcome abstracts of around 200 words for papers of 20 minutes. Please send proposals and short Curriculum Vitae by 30 April 2002 to:

Dr. Mohamed-Salah Omri
Centre for Mediterranean Studies
Stocker Road
Exeter EX4 4ND
United Kingdom
Fax: 44 1392- 264- 035 (U.K.)


Professor Abdeljalil Temimi
B.P. 50 Zaghouan
1118 Tunisia
Fax: 00216 72 676 710